Monday, 30 July 2007


Flash stings i developed and animated for the Eisteddford, its really basic because it was designed for mobile phones and it only took a week so the animation could be better! :D

Final Digital story telling project

My digital story telling project is finished!

Friday, 20 July 2007

A bit more

These are my two fave pics i did for the project, i wont put any more up until its all done, dont want to spoil it! :D

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Digital story telling pre pro

This is what it all should look like.

These are some of the sketches i did for my digital story about me failing my driving test 4 times before i past... these are all my examiners i had. :D

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Digital story telling

Today we had a writing seminar with Ian Staples it was really good. We had a great laugh making up stories about peter peter the pumpkin eater! Then we got serious and discussed our stories with him and got some great feedback. I just finished writing what i'm going to say and will start recording tomorrow. Still don't know what style to use. I'm sure i'll come up with something. :D

Also Richard Webb from Moseleywebb came and visited us and showed us some of the flash work they do, looked interesting.

Monday, 9 July 2007


We were set a presentation to do on a CGI animator, i was given Steve Williams, he has worked on many things latest being The Wild. My presentation on Show Zoho

Friday, 6 July 2007

Shrek 3

Well we went to see Shrek last night... the animation was ok, and some of it looked nice but there wasn't much story. However it wasn't as bad as i heard it was going to be and there was one part in the film that made me giggle uncontrollably i wont say which bit just incase anyone hasn't seen it yet... it involved a baby ogre head and the donkey thats all im saying!

Puss in boats is by far the best character... so cute!

Mike Collins

Had a wonderful talk from Mike Collins yesterday morning, his art work is incredible! here is a pic i found of him on the net...

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Joanna Quinn

Awesome morning here at Cyfle, Joanna Quinn and Les Mills came for a visit and talked about their work and how they animate. Her illustrations are beautiful and her style of animation work really well. We hope to visit their studio Beryl soon.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

3rd July

Went for a visit to the The Bait their work was very eye catching and interesting.

Later we had a Freelance talk from Ric Villeneuve which was very informative. He gave us ideas and tips on showreel's and animation. As well as an in depth look at being a freelance animator.

Meanwhile i have been working on a presentation for this friday on Steve Williams a CGI animator and director.

Monday, 2 July 2007

Talk from Bruce Steele

We had a visit from Bruce Steele today and were given a talk about special effects in advertising and shown examples form work produced by Glassworks. Very interesting, i especially enjoyed the hair monsters, how they were constructed and animated. The pre production artwork looked lovely.